SPAOA - Single Parents Alliance of America

You Made The Section 8 Waiting List. Now What?

Getting placed on a Section 8 waiting list is an accomplishment. It’s not the end of your journey towards affordable rent, though, as you’ll still have some work to get your Housing Choice Voucher.

When you hear the term “waitlist,” what do you think it means? If you’re like most, you probably think it signifies that you’re about to receive something, and all you have to do is wait to get it. When it comes to the Section 8 waitlist, however, you can’t be inactive. You’ll need to take action and keep pushing to get your voucher, which includes taking these steps:

1. Apply to more waitlists.

Sitting on just one Section 8 waitlist puts you at the mercy of one Public Housing Agency (PHA). And depending on the location and the supply/demand for vouchers, that PHA could leave you waiting a very long time.

How can you overcome this? Apply to as many waitlists as possible. In doing so, you’ll open up the door to more opportunities, instead of putting all of your eggs in one basket.

What should you do if you finally get a voucher, but it’s not from your “ideal” waitlist? Take the voucher and live in that location. Once the year is up, you can transfer it somewhere else that suits you better.

2. Get in touch with other Section 8 applicants.

Navigating and understanding the Section 8 process may seem complicated and overwhelming. You can find help on the topic online via Facebook Groups and message boards. Share your thoughts and concerns with others, and you may learn some tips along the way to accelerate the time it takes to get your voucher. You may also gain peace of mind so you can reduce the stress that comes with the long Section 8 wait.

3. Keep in touch with your PHA.

It’s crucial to keep an open line of communication with your PHA. If you don’t, you could face delays, errors with your application, or lose your chance at a voucher altogether.

Your PHA will send you correspondence throughout the process. Check your mail, email, and phone regularly to ensure you can respond to any messages as quickly as possible.

Beyond checking for correspondence, you’ll need to be proactive in providing updates to your PHA. For instance, if you get married or divorced, have children, or someone moves out of your home, notify the PHA of your change in household composition. If you move, let them know. And if your household income increases or decreases, give them that update too. Any such changes can impact the value of your voucher.

4. Document everything.

Keep all correspondence in a file, so you don’t lose it. Take pictures of letters you receive. Save emails, and so on. Some PHAs experience high turnover, so you don’t want your voucher application getting lost in the mix. Errors are common, too. By keeping records, you can supply information as needed to avoid any delays with your voucher that weren’t due to your negligence.

5. Be prepared to wait.

It’s not uncommon for a Section 8 voucher to take years to finally get into your hands. In fact, it’s estimated that only 25 percent of Section 8 applicants get the assistance they need due to this long wait.

Don’t depend solely on your voucher to fix your rent situation. Until it’s 100 percent processed, do your best to reduce expenses, save money, and pay your landlord on time. You could also move somewhere cheaper, get roommates to share the rent, or move in with friends and family until you get situated.