SPAOA - Single Parents Alliance of America

Medicare Open Enrollment: 2 Ways To Get Free Assistance

The thought of participating in the Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP) may intrigue you, but you may find it too overwhelming.

If so, see how you can get free help during this period to get the healthcare coverage you deserve.

The Importance of Medicare Open Enrollment

What was the central theme of 2020? Besides the election, the obvious answer is the COVID-19 pandemic. What did it teach many of us? That our health should be our top priority, which is why not letting Medicare Open Enrollment go to waste is essential.

The OEP was put into place to help you and other Medicare users make the most out of your coverage. Since your healthcare needs may have changed over the year, and you may now require new prescriptions or providers, switching your plan may be a must. And since many plans can change as well, you’ll need to double-check to make sure you have the coverage you need once 2021 kicks into gear.

How Open Enrollment Works

Although it may sound or seem very complicated, the basics of Medicare Open Enrollment are relatively simple.

First, you review the coverage you have right now. Second, you explore other coverage options. Third, you make any necessary changes. And lastly, you notify your providers of those new plans, so everything goes smoothly next year.

As for how you can begin the process with free assistance, we’ll reveal that in a minute. But if you’d like to try on your own, start by looking at your Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) you received in the mail. It gives you insight on any changes you can expect in 2021 in terms of drug coverage, costs of prescriptions and services, out-of-pocket costs, in-network providers and pharmacies, and more.

If a review of your ANOC looks good and you’re satisfied with any changes set for 2021, you don’t have to make any adjustments. But if you find that additional costs or network changes do not suit your needs, you’ll want to shop around for better coverage.

What can shopping around and changing some of your plans do? Studies show that, on average, switching Medicare Part D coverage may save $300 per year. You can also improve your plan’s quality by moving from, let’s say, a 3-star plan to one of the 5-star variety. Changing prescription coverage can also help you reduce out-of-pocket costs while ensuring you get the drugs you need. Those are just some examples, but you get the gist of it.

Where To Find Free Assistance With Medicare Open Enrollment

If the thought of getting great coverage and cutting costs sounds ideal, here’s where to find that free OEP help you need to make it happen:

  • SHIP (State Health Insurance Program) – Contact them to get complimentary Medicare counseling through a trained professional or volunteer.
  • My Medicare Matters – They have a quick questionnaire that can assess your healthcare needs. After you complete the questionnaire, you can get free professional counseling from a licensed benefits advisor.