SPAOA - Single Parents Alliance of America

How To Find Hotel Vouchers For The Homeless

Spending your days and nights living on the streets is no way to live.

Luckily, hotel vouchers for the homeless can offer some temporary lodging until you get back on your feet.

Homelessness has been an issue for some time, but it’s in danger of getting worse. Families that once lived without a worry in the world are now finding themselves homeless and living on the streets, which can force them to move into shelters that are less than ideal.

What’s an option if you don’t want to live in a homeless shelter? Hotel or motel vouchers. We’ll discuss what they are and where you can find them to get some much-needed peace of mind.

How Homeless Hotel Vouchers Work

As you can probably guess, a homeless hotel voucher allows you to stay in a hotel or motel without having to pay for it. This is excellent news if you’re homeless, as such lodging can be pretty expensive and out of reach if you don’t have any savings or income.

Can a motel or hotel voucher get you some good nights’ sleep? Absolutely, but they come with one problem: They’re very temporary. Unlike shelters that can give you a bit of stability until you get housing of your own, hotel vouchers typically last a few nights at the most. In other words, don’t expect to get motel vouchers for an entire month. Instead, you’re looking at about three nights maximum before you have to find another place to sleep.

If you’re wondering why a motel or hotel would allow for such an arrangement, it’s because referral agencies usually handle vouchers. While the agencies get to help the homeless get some rest in a safe location, the businesses get paid. It’s worth noting that there may be occasions when you can pick which hotel or motel you sleep at, but the referral agency is usually in charge.

The Advantage of Hotel Vouchers Over Homeless Shelters

Do homeless shelters play a significant role in getting people off of the streets? Absolutely, but they’re not the ideal setting for everyone. If you have a family with young kids or have never been homeless before, a shelter may be a daunting place to be due to several factors. There can be problematic residents, alcohol and drug abuse, theft, and sanitation issues that may make you prefer the streets versus a shelter. This is why finding hotel vouchers may be your best bet, at least for the time being.

Where to Find Motel Vouchers for the Homeless

You’ll likely have to do a bit of legwork to find a hotel voucher, as they’re often limited and in high demand. Here are some places where homeless people tend to have success in finding motel vouchers:

  • Call 211 – They can tell you who offers hotel vouchers in your area.
  • Salvation Army – They may have homeless shelters and contacts for hotel vouchers.
  • Local Homeless Shelters – Even if you don’t want to stay there, ask a staff member if they offer motel vouchers.
  • Catholic Charities – Contact your nearest branch and ask if they offer homeless motel vouchers.
  • Regional Assistance Programs – Some cities, counties, and states have homeless programs that may provide hotel vouchers. Do an online search for homeless hotel vouchers in your area, or ask the 211 operator for assistance.