SPAOA - Single Parents Alliance of America

Farmers Market Tips To Make Fruits And Veggies More Affordable

Follow these farmers market tips, and you can save on these nutritious essentials for your daily diet.

The rising cost of groceries may have you thinking of ways to save at the store. While you could cut some junk food from your list, fruits and veggies remain a must. Why? Because they offer so many benefits, such as promoting a healthy weight, filling you with fiber, soaking your system with vitamins and minerals, and so on.

Keeping this in mind, here are some ways to cut your fruit and veggie costs while keeping them in your kitchen. Best of all, we’ll show you how to score savings at local farmers markets, where you’ll find the freshest, most delicious produce around.

Look For the Smallest Vendors

The next time you visit a farmers market, pay close attention to the size of each vendor’s setup. If you see a vendor with a simple setup consisting of one table, try them instead of a much larger one. In doing so, you’ll likely get better deals and more personalized help to make your shopping experience more enjoyable and educational.

Shop Online

Yes, even farmers markets have gone online now. Some of this can be attributed to the pandemic, as people have sought to shop from the safety of their homes.

You can use virtual farmers markets to pick out the produce you need and either pick it up or have it delivered. Taking this route can help you snag some great fruit and veggie deals without having to move from your couch. You can search for local virtual farmers markets online or try a site like

Speaking of online, you should ask your favorite vendors if they connect with customers via an email list.
Many now do so to let customers know of new products and promotions. Not only will this help you see what’s in stock, but you could also get some coupons in the process.

Stick to Seasonal Produce

It’s one of the oldest money-saving tips in the book, but if you’re looking to get fruits and veggies on the cheap, you’ll need to stick to seasonal produce.

Opt For “Ugly” Produce

Have you heard of “seconds”? It’s a term that sometimes refers to produce that isn’t too attractive or is too small and is likely to get overlooked at the grocery store.

While you may not want to post pics of your seconds produce on Facebook, it’ll still give you all the nutrition you need at a fraction of the cost.

Shop When the Weather Is Bad

The smaller the crowd at the farmers market, the more likely you’ll find great deals. One thing that can lead to smaller crowds is bad weather, as shoppers won’t want to head out if it’s raining, foggy, etc.

As you shop on bad weather days, vendors will be more open to offering deals so they can sell their fruits and vegetables before they spoil. Ask if any deals are available, such as through bundling so you can stack your savings.