SPAOA - Single Parents Alliance of America

4 Reasons To Start Using Telemedicine For Your Healthcare Needs

You can expect doctors’ offices and hospitals to get overloaded as coronavirus panic spreads.

Here’s why telemedicine may be a better healthcare option for you now and in the future.

What will most people do now as soon as they see a few flu-like symptoms? First, they’ll probably panic, which is perfectly acceptable considering the coronavirus scare. And second, they’ll probably do everything they can to get a doctor’s appointment or visit the emergency room.

Such moves can be harmful in more ways than one, as you could put others in danger or make your situation worse. You can also overwhelm healthcare facilities with false flags when they could be helping people with more severe conditions instead.

Although these issues will be worse now, they should make you consider alternatives to traditional healthcare.

For instance, if you contracted a nasty flu, wouldn’t you rather get the care you need without leaving your home? And wouldn’t you rather pay less for it in the process?

Of course, you would, which is why it’s time to take a stronger look at telemedicine (aka telehealth) for you and your family’s needs.

How Telehealth Works

Just like some people telecommute and work from home via the phone or Internet, telehealth uses the same technology to connect medical professionals and patients.

If you’re sick or need some type of care, you can find the medical professional you need and consult with them over the phone or video chat to find the proper cure.

Reasons to Consider Telemedicine

1. Telemedicine can be more affordable than traditional healthcare.

Some telehealth plans can cover your entire family for a very affordable monthly amount. Depending on the telemedicine provider you choose, you may get 24-hour access to physicians, deep discounts on medications, and much more.

For someone who is sick of paying a lot for traditional healthcare coverage, switching to telemedicine could be a substantial money-saving move. But you don’t just save money on the plans, you also save it by not having to leave your home, which we’ll discuss in this next point.

2. Telemedicine is more convenient than going in person.

If you work a regular job or have a hectic schedule, visiting the doctor’s office can be quite inconvenient.

You’ll have to waste time and money on transportation to get there. And you may also have to sit in a waiting room with other people who are sick, which doesn’t help either.

As an example, think of the issues that could come from going to the doctor with coronavirus floating around. Most medical professionals urge you to stay home if you feel ill, and sitting in an office could put others at risk while making you sicker.

Use telemedicine instead, and you can talk to a doctor over the phone or secure video chat, describe your symptoms, and even get a prescription while sitting in bed.

3. Telemedicine can give you more options.

When it comes to healthcare, you’re often limited by where you live. If you live in a small town, you’ll have fewer options when it comes to healthcare providers compared to someone in a big city.

Telehealth changes that by letting you connect via technology and eliminating the need for in-person visits that can leave you with limited options in your location.

4. Telemedicine helps you make more informed decisions about doctors.

Some telehealth services offer reviews for their members so they can see which doctors are the best in their field. You can use these reviews to pick a professional who gives you the most peace of mind, which is a must whenever a scary medical issue arises.